Our Story

Over-consumerism is passé, people is turning to a simpler and more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Buying the essentials, living in smaller homes, and generating less waste become the consumer’s goals. This expands into the desire to embrace originals, support for less packaging and for companies that waste less. Despite the obvious disruption due to COVID-19 pandemic, searches for eco-friendly living and zero waste products have grown 93% and 108% respectively on Pinterest. 

Icowy is an eco-friendly digital market platform to help make sustainable, earth-friendly commerce the new normal.  We strive to engage small retailing businesses who share commitment to protect our planet’s resources and create a more sustainable future. As individuals, you can also help creating less waste by donating or listing items you no longer want or need so that someone else can continue using them.  Shopping with the planet in mind makes a big difference, and collectively, we can encourage more responsible practices and treat our planet kindly.