

Are you an expert on green living? Start an eco-consulting service. Consultants evaluate homes, offices, and offer solutions to make them more environmentally friendly. You could advise clients on switching their home appliances to more energy-efficient machines or implement a recycling program. To further boost your credibility, become a certified eco-consultant.

Green finance

Green finance focuses on supporting local, community-level projects with an emphasis on sustainable, ecologically friendly agriculture. Green finance is also typically concerned with providing educational opportunities, funding for artistic endeavors and projects that support local ecology. Green finance is preoccupied with social profitability. The goal of green finance is to support beneficial projects that provide value to the local community and ecology.

Environmental impact and carbon emissions lessons

Many people aren’t aware of just how much carbon emissions their daily activities produce and the impact those activities have on the environment. Offer classes to educate the public about how driving, using air conditioning in the summer, leaving lights on unnecessarily, flying, and other activities contribute to carbon emissions.